Women’s Yoga & Hormones Specialist Certification
Module 2: Hormone/Endocrine Yoga
Saturday, Sept 7 2024 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday, Sept 8 2024 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Cost: $330.00 per 20 hour course module

Do you want to focus your yoga teaching and specialize in women? Then this is the teacher training for you! This training is a comprehensive and inspirational program that will transform your practice and deepen your understanding of yoga for women. Designed by women for women, this course is appropriate for aspiring teachers , yoga practitioners, health professionals, doulas, midwives, nurses, social workers, educators or anyone interested in providing and fostering in depth support for women in Yoga and Women’s health.
Prerequisite: 200 RYT and WYSCII
Course content:
- Endocrine system 101: Understanding hormones; physical and psychological changes
- Hormone depletion issues ie auto immune, chronic fatigue, adrenal depletion
- Nutrition & health for Womenâs Hormones
- The H practice -Yoga sequencing for peri menopause and Menopause and beyond to balance hormones
- Self care practices for women: Inner limb practices to support hormonal changes
- Meditation, pranayama(breathing) and visualizations for womens general health and wellbeing
- Marketing for a woman-centred business
- Practice teaching; Sequencing designing a sequence for a Case Study
Please note to be certified as a Women’s Yoga Specialist the full course is 80 hours; this includes the following courses:
- Pre natal /fertility certification ( 25 hrs )
- Post natal certification (20hrs)
- Women’s Yoga Specialist I (25hrs)
- Women’s Yoga specialist II (25 hrs ) for a total of 80 hours.
Courses can be taken in any order although we do recommend taking WYS I & II in order of possible. Courses can also be taken individually as part of RYT 300 or 500. All 20 hour course certifications done over a weekend
Course Instructor: Eloisa (Elle) Slimmon-Weber
- Certified and registered Yoga Teacher, EWYT, RYT200
- Certified Pilates Mat Instructor, East to West Yoga and Pilates
- Certified Pilates Mat Instructor, Physical/Mind Institute
- Certified Pre and Post Natal Specialist
- Pre natal/Post Natal Educator
- CAPPA Doula
- HypnoBirthing® Practitioner
- Fertility Consultant
- Yoga training in Classical Hatha, Ashtanga and Restorative
Course Created by: Eloisa Slimmon
- Certified and registered Yoga Teacher Trainer ERYT 500
- Certified Endocrine Specialist 2015
- Hypnobirthing Practioner 2005
- Certified Fitness Trainer 2003
- George Brown Theatre/Dance/Movement 1992
- Pilates Teacher Training with Susan Grescovich 1998
- Teaching Fitness Professionals to teach Yoga since 2007
Live lectures via Zoom, practicum Classes held at Liberty Movement and Wellness
To Register or for More Information visit call: 416-879-0711